
写作技巧 381 1年前



并列关系的过渡词用于连接两个意思相近或相同的句子,常见的并列关系过渡词有:also, moreover, as well as, not only...but also...等。

Example 1: Research indicates that sleep is vital for cognitive performance. Moreover, prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to a decline in physical health.

Example 2: Quantum mechanics challenges traditional Newtonian physics at the subatomic level. Also, it has introduced concepts such as superposition and quantum entanglement.

Example 3: Neuroscientists have made significant strides in understanding brain plasticity. As well as this, they have started to decode the complex interplay between genes and the environment.


递进关系的过渡词用于强调句子之间的关系,使句子之间的关系更加紧密,常见的递进关系过渡词有:furthermore, in addition, what's more, besides等。

Example 1: Bilingualism offers cognitive benefits during childhood. Furthermore, it can lead to enhanced career opportunities in adulthood.

Example 2: Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize various industries. In addition, it could provide solutions to complex problems like climate modeling and drug discovery.

Example 3: The Internet has democratized access to information. What's more, it has fostered global connectivity and collaboration.


转折关系的过渡词用于表示与前一句之间的转折关系,或对前一句进行反驳,常见的转折关系过渡词有:but, however, on the other hand, despite等。

Example 1: Solar energy offers a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. However, its efficiency can be variable depending on geographic and climatic conditions.

Example 2: Genetic engineering holds the promise of curing genetic disorders. On the other hand, it raises ethical concerns regarding the potential for unintended consequences.

Example 3: Many argue that automation will lead to significant job losses. Despite this, others believe it will result in the creation of new, more specialized roles.


因果关系的过渡词用于表示一种因果关系,这是一种非常常见的逻辑关系,常见的因果关系过渡词有:because, therefore, hence, as a result等。

Example 1: Urban areas have seen a spike in air pollution because of increased vehicular traffic and industrial emissions. Therefore, residents are experiencing a rise in respiratory illnesses.

Example 2: Ocean temperatures have been steadily rising due to global warming. As a result, coral reefs, which are sensitive to temperature changes, are experiencing severe bleaching events.

Example 3: Pesticides have been extensively used in modern agriculture to combat pests. Hence, there's been a decline in the populations of many beneficial insects, including pollinators.


时间顺序的过渡词用于表示时间的先后顺序,常见的时间顺序过渡词有:first, second, next, finally等。

Example 1: First, researchers conducted a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing knowledge on the topic. Second, they formulated hypotheses. Next, they designed experiments to test these hypotheses. Finally, after gathering the data, conclusions were drawn based on the results.

Example 2: Initially, the focus of the research was on understanding cellular mechanisms. Subsequently, this understanding was applied to larger, multicellular organisms.

Example 3: In the 19th century, the theory of evolution was proposed. Later, with the discovery of DNA, genetic evidence provided further support for this theory.


解释说明的过渡词用于解释或强调一种观点或者想法,常见的解释说明过渡词有:in other words, for instance, that is to say, such as等。

Example 1: The Higgs boson, often referred to as the "God particle", plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe. In other words, it's responsible for giving other particles mass.

Example 2: Anthropogenic activities have greatly impacted the nitrogen cycle. For instance, the extensive use of fertilizers in agriculture has led to increased nitrogen runoff, affecting water ecosystems.

Example 3: Epigenetics deals with changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. That is to say, external factors can turn genes "on" or "off" without changing the DNA structure.


比较关系的过渡词用于表示两个或者多个事物之间的相似性或者差异,常见的比较关系过渡词有:similarly, likewise, in the same way, unlike等。

Example 1: Quantum physics, with its principles of superposition and entanglement, breaks many conventional notions. Similarly, Einstein's theory of relativity challenged previous Newtonian concepts of space and time.

Example 2: Just as photosynthesis is vital for plants, cellular respiration is essential for animals.

Example 3: Traditional classrooms offer face-to-face interaction with instructors. In the same way, virtual classrooms, though online, aim to provide an interactive learning environment. However, unlike traditional settings, they offer more flexibility in terms of location and timing.


举例说明的过渡词用于引出具体的例子或者证据来支持观点,常见的举例说明过渡词有:for example, for instance, to illustrate等。

Example 1: Various strategies can promote sustainable urban development. For instance, green rooftops and vertical gardens not only enhance city aesthetics but also help in reducing the urban heat island effect.

Example 2: Epigenetics has shown that external factors can influence gene expression without altering DNA sequences. To illustrate, studies have found that stress or trauma experienced by a parent can affect the gene expression of their offspring.

Example 3: Many historical figures have left an indelible mark on their fields. For example, Marie Curie's pioneering research on radioactivity paved the way for many discoveries in physics and medicine.


总结概括的过渡词用于对前面的论述进行总结或者概括,常见的总结概括过渡词有:in conclusion, to sum up, in summary等。

Example 1: In summary, while technology has brought immense advancements, it is essential to navigate its challenges to ensure a balanced society.

Example 2: To sum up, renewable energy sources, from solar to wind, have the potential to redefine the future of global energy consumption and environmental conservation.

Example 3: In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of human genetics may be the key to addressing many medical challenges.


条件关系的过渡词用于表示一种条件关系,常见的条件关系过渡词有:if, unless, provided that等。

Example 1: If the rate of deforestation continues unchecked, many tropical ecosystems could face irreversible damage.

Example 2: Major cities can maintain their cultural heritage while modernizing, provided that urban development projects are carried out with a balanced approach.

Example 3: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria will continue to be a growing threat unless new antibiotics are developed or alternative treatments are explored.










