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描述开发:• 基于类 Point 的类 Rectangle
• 图书馆租赁系统 本作业涵盖的学习成果:本作业有助于实现以下学习成果 (LO):1:展示对重要的面向对象编程语言和开发环境的理解。
课程作业描述简介本课程作业由两部分组成,与第 5 周之前讨论的主题相关。连同 fu ...
Development of:
• A class Rectangle based on the class Point
• A Library rental system
Learning Outcomes Covered in this Assignment:
This assignment contributes towards the following Learning Outcomes (LOs):
1: Demonstrate an understanding of a significant object oriented programming language and development environment.
Coursework Description
This coursework consists of two parts, and it is related to the topics discussed up to Week 5. Together with the fundamental of programming presented in Weeks 1, 2, 3 (conditional statements and loops), you will also have to understand and apply the concepts related to Arrays (Week 3), Classes and Objects (Weeks 4 and 5).
The first part of this coursework specifically refers to the Point class discussed in Weeks 4 and 5, and you will need to use it for the definition of a new Rectangle class. Similarly to the simple Bank Management system presented in Week 5, for the second part of the coursework you will be asked to build the electronic rental system of two small University Libraries.
Class Rectangle
Define a Rectangle class able to manage rectangular shapes on a 2D plane. In order to solve this part of the coursework, refer to the latest version of the Point class discussed in Lecture 5 and change / adjust it as required A rectangle has a Point as its origin (i.e., the bottom-left vertex), as well as a width and a height (both integers values).
1. The Rectangle class has a constructor with three formal parameters, namely the origin, the width and the height. It should support the following operations:
• Display – shows the coordinates of the origin, the width and the height;
• getArea – calculates and returns the area;
• getPerimeter – calculates and returns the perimeter;
• Move – shifts the origin by (dx, dy).
2. Add an overloaded constructor with only two formal parameters (width and height). The origin in this case is assumed to be in (0, 0).
3. Add an overloaded constructor Rectangle(Point p1, Point p2) where p1 is the bottom-left vertex and p2 is the top-right vertex. The constructor should calculate the values to be assigned to the width and height attributes.
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