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You are employed as the Finance Manager at Brum Brew, which for the purposes of this case study is a fictitious medium-sized Craft brewery, based in Birmingham. The company employs 75 staff, and is currently in its 5th year of operation. Its mission statement has evolved to:
‘To deliver unparalleled customer experience, placing our customers first, via a collegiate cultural approach. One that focusses its USP on sustainable premium brews sourced only from natural ingredients, ...
You are employed as the Finance Manager at Brum Brew, which for the purposes of this case study is a fictitious medium-sized Craft brewery, based in Birmingham. The company employs 75 staff, and is currently in its 5th year of operation. Its mission statement has evolved to:
‘To deliver unparalleled customer experience, placing our customers first, via a collegiate cultural approach. One that focusses its USP on sustainable premium brews sourced only from natural ingredients, to become the UK’s 1st choice purveyor of craft beer’.
Brum Brew, two years ago decided to automate its business functions by installing the SAP Business One ERP cloud-based solution, please click on the following link for more information regarding this software. The company installed the Finance, Purchasing, and Stock & Distribution modules to marry up to their existing point of sales system Zettle, see the following link, and form their ERP system. It is prudent for you to research the functionality of each of these modules in order to inform your coursework assignment.
As the company has continued to expand to its current-level of manpower and operation, the Managing Director, in line with the company’s increasing use of Microsoft software products, wishes to replace the Zettle and SAP ERP system with an equivalent Microsoft Dynamics ERP system, see link, to address current software incompatibility issues. Whilst, the company has found SAP useful, they have also found it both limiting and rigid in terms of adapting to emerging business need. SAP One also lacks compatibility with the Office 365 suite, which Brum Brew currently use. Replacing SAP One with Microsoft Dynamics will not only enable integration with Office 365, but also greater flexibility to tailor tools specific to business need. For instance, Brum Brew require the new system to incorporate a commerce function to develop an online sales platform. Adopting Microsoft Dynamics with Office 365 will enable the company to develop its own business analytic tools, via Microsoft Apps, to interrogate live data instantaneously, a feature that cannot be readily done with its current SAP One system. One feature the company wishes to enact using the new software system is to capture live sales data from customer activity on the new online platform to inform customer trends, interests, and sales forecasts. An activity which supports the company’s mission statement to become the UK’s number one choice.
To address this business process improvement, Brum Brew have asked you, the Finance Manager, to project manage this business improvement change
Coursework Structure:
Project Introduction
Problem situation
Rich picture
Problem (Root) Definition
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