美国PSCY330作业代写,心理学psychology论文代写 、网课代修

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概述 在帮助性职业中,我们被要求与经历认知问题的个人一起工作。随着我们对认知障碍有更多的了解,包括其原因和对个人的影响,以及与这些障碍有关的许多因素,我们能够更好地帮助他们的生活。你将确定一个有认知问题的人,并制定一个案例研究,研究这个问题,个人的生活质量,以及可以帮助的干预措施。


Overview In helping professions, we are called upon to work with individuals who experience cognitive issues. As we learn more about cognitive disorders, including the causes and the effects on the individuals, and the many factors related to these disorders, we’re better able to help them in their lives. You will identify an individual who has a cognitive issue and develop a case study that examines the issue, quality of life for the individual, and interventions that could help. Instructions TOPIC: Aging & Memory Based on the topic of aging and memory, write a case study. Support your research with at least 2 scholarly sources. Address the following issues/concerns/factors: What is the psychological issue? What is the cause? How is it affecting the individual’s quality of life? Is there a faith component related to this issue? Discuss the spiritual factors involved in this case and how it has affected the individual socially, emotionally, and spiritually. Support your response with scripture What might you recommend in order to help this person? Discuss both psychological and spiritual interventions/strategies which could be of benefit to this person. Resources Examples of sources where you can research various psychological disorders include: U.S. National Library of Medicine (open in a new window): https://www.nlm.nih.gov/ National Center for Biotechnology Information (open in a new window): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ National Institutes of Health (open in a new window): https://www.nih.gov/ Requirements Discussion of psychological issues and causes What is the psychological issue? What is the cause? Discussion of individual’s quality of life How is it affecting the individual’s quality of life? Discussion of the spiritual factors involved in this case and how it has affected the individual Is there a faith component related to this issue? How might faith impact how psychological interventions is handled? Does it affect your faith? Social, emotional, relational, spiritual aspects Recommendations What might you recommend in order to help this person? Discussion of both psychological and spiritual interventions/strategies which could be of benefit Note: This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Always review the University's Academic Integrity Policy statement regarding plagiarism. Decorative: scope icon. microscope highlighting assignment specifics REQUIREMENTS Citation Requirements: minimum 2 scholarly or authoritative sources Word Count: 750-1000 APA Formatting Plagiarism submission

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