美国MGT600作业代写 美国Strategic Management课程代写代上

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1. 解决并完整回答 Bryson、Bryson 和 Crosby(https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10967490902873473) 关于战略目标评估的五个基本问题,因为它们与您选择的组织有关 ( 差距公司)

2. 确定需要修订的领域(如果有)。 为什么? 这如何有助于制定更有效、更健全的战略计划?

3. 还确定并讨论可能有助于的具体来源……



For this discussion:

1. Address and completely answer Bryson, Bryson, and Crosby(https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10967490902873473)' s five essential questions concerning the evaluation of strategic objectives as they pertain to your selected organization (Gap Inc.)

2. Identify what, if any, areas need to be revised. Why? How does this contribute to a more effective and sound strategic plan?

3. Also identify and discuss specific sources that could help with this particular analysis to minimize subjective barriers of perception regarding unrealistic or vague objectives.

Bryson, Bryson, and Crosby (2009) identified a five-step process of questions to consider when evaluating organizational strategic planning goals:

1. Take a look at your goals. Are there any reasonable alternatives or visions that you may want to consider to address your strategic issues to help you achieve your goals in a best-case scenario?
2. What barriers of analysis could interfere with your perspective of alternatives or visions that you may want to consider in achieving your best-case scenario?
3. What significant proposals may have to occur in order to achieve such perspectives of alternatives and barriers?
4. What significant actions (with current management and staff) must happen in the next 12 months in order to implement strategic planning proposals?
5. That being said, what significant actions must occur within the next six months to implement strategic plans, and who would be responsible for the implementation? Based on your specific goals, is there a person, team, or department that would be in charge of implementing strategic objectives?

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