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In this lab, you will continue to add functionality to the game. You will give a single end user the ability to manage a single LifeForm using a graphical user interface or GUI for short. To accomplish this, we will be utilizing the Command Pattern. To illustrate the Command Pattern, we need to add some additional functionality to our game
Adding Movement
In this environment, it is possible to move North, South, East, or West (up, down, left, right), but not diagonally. We will be updating the LifeForm class to include variables for current Direction and maxSpeed. The Alien class will have a maxSpeed of 2 cells per round and the Human class will have a maxSpeed of 3 cells per round. A LifeForm should be able change from one direction to any other direction. For example, a LifeForm facing South can change its direction to: North, South, East, or West. For all LifeForms their initial currentDirection is set to "North" and have a maxSpeed of 0. The Environment class will be responsible for actually moving LifeForms around the board. For simplicity’s sake, LifeForms may “pass through” a Cell that contains another LifeForm, but it cannot stop in a Cell with another LifeForm. Additionally,
LifeForms will not move past the "edge" of the Environment.
You should not need to add any new constructors, but you will need to add additional tests:
1. In the case of currentDirection, you should be testing LifeForm's initial settings and also make sure that its maxSpeed is set to 0.
2. Add tests to initialize Human and Alien to ensure maxSpeed is set correctly.
3. Make sure and add a test to LifeForm to ensure it can properly change direction. Moving around the Environment should be independent of whether it is a Human or Alien. For testing purposes, update MockLifeForm to have a maxSpeed of 3. In TestEnvironment, create a MockLifeForm and use that to test that the movement code works correctly. Depending on your implementation, the Environment will either move a specific LifeForm or it will try to move the LifeForm at a specific Cell location. For now, getting the movement handled in only one way is fine, but you may find it convenient to come back and implement another option later.
4. Create and use a MockLifeForm so it has a move speed and moves the correct distance north, south, east, and west when there is enough space to move.
5. Make sure the MockLifeForm moves correctly if there are obstacles.
6. Make sure the MockLifeForm moves correctly if near/at the edge of the map.
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