澳洲PHAR4204 Assignment代写,Clinical leadership in health care代写

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In this assignment, you have to answers to 2 questions that I attach. This is 3rd assignment. you have to elaborate same answers to my answers from my 2nd assignment that I wrote and make 600 words each excluding my words. Please do not use my words but write similar to it and expand more. Here I attach my 2nd assignment answers.

1) Autonomy and accountability are inherent to nursing as a profession. How do these professional expectations related to leadership qualities enable the RNs practice? Critically reflect and discuss this for your second online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 3 & 4. (LO4)

Autonomy in health sector can be defined as the ability of making clinical decisions in cooperation with the patients, their family and multidisciplinary team, while accountability refers to the nurses answers to the people in their care, the nursing regulatory authority, health care professionals and public (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2021). According to (Pursio et al., 2021), understanding professional autonomy is very important for participating in decision making and strengthening nursing abilities through shared leadership to empower and encourage team members and provide high quality care. In addition, Stanly, 2017, believes that clinical leaders who are experienced and confident making judgement, as well as able to inspire others are valuable assets to health care sector which are good attributes of good leadership. Therefore, both autonomy and accountability are important leadership skills in nursing profession in order to improve quality and safety of care delivered to patients.

2) What elements enable and enhance positive change and innovation in the health care environment, should I be contributing to as a graduate RN? Critically reflect and discuss this for your third online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 5 & 6. (LO5)

Positive change and innovation are the underlying factors in health care environment to support and improve the quality of person- centred care (Murray, 2019). Innovate refers to featuring new methods, apply new ideas or creating existing ideas into advanced ideas in positive ways to ensure and develop the quality of care for better patient outcomes (Melnyk et al., 2021). Some evidence suggests that, newly graduate nurses are not expected to be a part to exhibit their leadership skills as they just passed their student life and need some time to explore and learn skills in order to gain confident (Salem & Ghazi Bake,2020). However, every nurse can act as innovator and has have responsibility to contribute and allows and enhance change positive change in health care environment. Therefore, I can work together with my seniors and share my ideas to solve challenges using my critical thinking skills, positive changes and innovative ideas for better health outcomes and develop my skills by contributing positive changes as a graduate nurse.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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