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Case study: Jesse's story
Jesse is a 24-year-old man who has recently been discharged from the army on medical grounds. He coped with the high levels of stress and anxiety he felt in the army by drinking heavily. When you meet Jesse, he has been sober for 60 days and is seeking help with strategies to cope with his anxiety that do not involve drinking.
While working with Jesse you seek to ensure recovery oriented and trauma-informed practice that uses motivational interviewi ...
Case study: Jesse's story
Jesse is a 24-year-old man who has recently been discharged from the army on medical grounds. He coped with the high levels of stress and anxiety he felt in the army by drinking heavily. When you meet Jesse, he has been sober for 60 days and is seeking help with strategies to cope with his anxiety that do not involve drinking.
While working with Jesse you seek to ensure recovery oriented and trauma-informed practice that uses motivational interviewing principles and is informed by the cycle of change. You aim to collaboratively make a care plan in this session that helps Jesse to build a network of supports that enable him to maintain his sobriety and prevents the recurrence of factors that contribute to high stress levels.
Jesse was an only child whose parents separated during his adolescence. He felt isolated and often bored at school. He enjoyed art and expressed this by graffitiing the school after dark. His relationship with his mother further worsened following police involvement after the graffiti. He had performed poorly at school following his parent’s separation and had had not contact with his father after that time.
Jesse left school in Year 12 without completing the HSC, intending to train as an ambulance paramedic. On being told he did not have the required school background or life experience for this, he joined the army as an attempt to address this shortcoming. However, the constrictive structure of the Army repeated the problems with which he had struggled at school and at home.
As he was obligated to complete a full four years of enlistment, Jesse felt increasingly trapped and was often anxious and depressed. He began drinking with his fellow recruits and found this was a way of deadening his feelings of frustration about the course his life was taking. Jesse was discharged on medical grounds after three years in the army having become dependent on alcohol and unable to control his intake.
Jesse’s situation
Jesse’s current situation is assessed to comprise the following relevant factors:
1. Career indecision – although Jesse would still like to become an ambulance paramedic, he had lost confidence in his ability to achieve this or other career goals.
2. Unsuitable accommodation Jesse was living in a share house with people who partied and used alcohol and drugs frequently.
High levels of stress and anxiety. Jesse continually craved alcohol during sobriety and had begun to use diazepam to replace alcohol and help to deaden his feelings.
3. Unstructured time – as Jesse was now not working, he found himself with large amounts of unstructured time which he spent thinking about his situation.
4. Lack of personal support network – Jesse was estranged from his parents and had no siblings. He felt unable to contact his army colleagues due to the manner in which he was discharged.
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