澳洲BSBPMG534 Assignment代写,manage project human resources课程作业代写

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Case Study

ABC Corporation has been in the automotive industry for more than 50 years now. It has around 500 employees stationed in 50 different branches around Australia.. It has been provided car detailing services to car owners all over the country.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its management planned to create an Employee Health and Wellness team to take care of the health and wellness concerns of all employees.

Employee Health and Wellness team will take care of every employee’s annual medical checkup, weekly health checks, mental health trainings, wellness program, weekend workout sessions and yoga sessions held every Friday 5PM-6PM.

The primary goal of having an Employee Health and Wellness team is to ensure every employee is safe, healthy and able to contribute to the company’s productivity every single day.

Part A - Plan human resources relevant to projects

Create a Human Resources Matrix to outline the following:

  1. Resource requirements for each project task identified in the case study
  2. Skills and knowledge of individuals and groups matched with project tasks
  3. Personnel allocation to the project according to planned work outputs and project timeline
  4. Human resources management (HRM) methods and tools that needs to be in place to support personnel performance

Part B - Implement project personnel training and development

Develop a Project Personnel Training and Development Plan for your project and make sure to detail the following:

Project role descriptions to organisational personnel as defined and to be communicated to personnel

Training and development plan for implementation to project team members including:

  • training priorities
  • training methods
  • expected outcomes
  • training providers
  • indicative cost
  • delivery dates

How to measure individuals’ performance against agreed criteria and actions to be undertaken for shortfalls in performance

Part C - Lead project team

Assume that you have just implemented the Project Personnel Training and Development Plan, write a report of not less than 300 words discussing the following:

  1. What processes for improving individual performance and overall project effectiveness were implemented and how did you implemented them?
  2. What monitoring and reporting strategy did you use for remedial action of internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale?
  3. What procedures did you implement for interpersonal communication, counselling, and conflict resolution?
  4. What inter-project and intra-project resource conflict did you encounter and how you managed the conflict?

Part D - Finalise human resource activities related to projects

Develop a Personnel Performance Review Report discussing the following:

  1. How you plan to disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures?
  2. Human resource issues encountered and what improvements would you like to recommend to managing the project human resources provided in the case study.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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