加拿大MGMT3007论文代写 加拿大管理学Assignment代写

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来自加拿大代写的顾客授权发布的Management,MGMT3007作业要求片段,我们不会发布MGMT3007的answer在网站,我们曾经写过MGMT3007及相关的Management写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为CA的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

CLO 1分析影响组织绩效的因素。CLO 2确定为什么组织中的行为会以积极和消极的方式影响组织绩效。CLO 4评估团队如何影响组织行为。CLO 5比较与组织绩效有关的各种概念背后的理论和研究。CLO 6评估领导和管理之间的差异。CLO 8分析组织结构和文化如何影响组织变革。


Task: CLO 1 Analyze the factors affecting organizational performance.CLO 2 Identify why behaviour in organizations affects organizational performance in both positive and negative ways.CLO 4 Evaluate how teams affect organizational behaviour.CLO 5 Compare the theory and research behind various concepts related to organizational performance.CLO 6 Assess the differences between leadership and management.CLO 8 Analyze how organizational structures and cultures can influence organizational change.CL ...


Task: CLO 1 Analyze the factors affecting organizational performance.CLO 2 Identify why behaviour in organizations affects organizational performance in both positive and negative ways.CLO 4 Evaluate how teams affect organizational behaviour.CLO 5 Compare the theory and research behind various concepts related to organizational performance.CLO 6 Assess the differences between leadership and management.CLO 8 Analyze how organizational structures and cultures can influence organizational change.CLO 9 Determine the contemporary issues facing the modern HR professional. Working in groups of 4 (no more than 4 people per group – no exceptions) you will complete the Group Case assignment.Read Case 1: Arctic Mining Consultants (Page CA1 in textbook).The assignment will be completed and graded in two parts, based on the following components:Part A: Group Case Preparation Chart (INDIVIDUAL) worth 5%Part B: Group Case Assignment (GROUP) worth 30%Part A Group Case Preparation Chart (Individual):1. Complete the Group Case Preparation Chart individually that has been provided in2. Submit the Group Case Preparation Chart to the submissions drop boxPart B Group Case Assignment Paper (Group):Working in groups of 4 (no more than 4 people per group – no exceptions) you will complete the Group Case assignment. PART 1: Situation SummaryThis step should provide a brief summary of the case and its key features. It should be of a page long.PART 2: Problem IdentificationThe second step in your written analysis is to explicitly identify the major problem in the case in one clear and precise question. One way to identify a problem is to compare some desired state or objective with the actual situation. In order to define a problem, there must be some type of standard for comparison. Possible standards include the organization’s stated objectives or goals, objectives or goals of competing organizations, etc. PART 3: Alternative SolutionsThis step involves developing alternative solutions and evaluating their contributions to resolving the problem identified. The proposed alternatives should be consistent with the problem and cause(s) identified. You should develop at least three possible alternatives. With each alternative, list at least three advantages and at least three disadvantages of each alternative – time constraints, feasibility, cost, contribution to meeting the organization’s objectives and possible negative side effects.PART 4: Recommendation (Select the Best Alternative) and Implementation StepsIndicate the alternative you have chosen to solve the problem. It is important to justify why you chose a particular solution and why it will best resolve the problem(s). Develop an action plan to implement the alternative you have chosen. You need to specify what needs to be done, by whom, when, where and in what sequence. Identify any difficulties that might be encountered, even if this is the best solution. Finally, you should indicate follow up procedures to monitor the implementation of your solution to ensure that the intended actions are taken and that the problem is corrected.

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