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In this assignment you will discuss the implications of Onboarding in the workplace using the following scenario.
Drupad is the Operations Manager of a local manufacturing Company, and he has witnessed significant employee turnover in his business over the last 8 months. He has had several meetings with the HR Manager to discuss why people are leaving his department. In exit interviews (meetings with employees who have resigned from the company), employees are stating ...
Drupad是当地一家制造公司的运营经理,在过去的8个月里,他目睹了企业中大量的员工流失。 他与人力资源经理开了几次会,讨论人们离开他的部门的原因。 在离职面谈(与已从公司辞职的员工会面)中,员工们都表示......
In this assignment you will discuss the implications of Onboarding in the workplace using the following scenario.
Drupad is the Operations Manager of a local manufacturing Company, and he has witnessed significant employee turnover in his business over the last 8 months. He has had several meetings with the HR Manager to discuss why people are leaving his department. In exit interviews (meetings with employees who have resigned from the company), employees are stating they are leaving because they were not trained properly, and they don’t feel supported by their colleagues or supervisors.
The HR Manager suggested Drupad develop a structured orientation and training program before he hires more entry level machines operators for his team. She believes this will increase the likelihood they will want to stay at the Company.
Drupad must present an orientation and training program for entry level machine operators to his Director and HR Manager before he hires them. Assume you are Drupad and you are writing this plan because you want to increase the likelihood employees will stay at the company.
1. Describe the purpose of an orientation and training program. How is the Company hoping to benefit by having this program? What is the difference between orientation and training?
2. Describe at least 3 orientation actions you will take in your new onboarding program and why. Don’t just list actions, remember to explain the strategic importance.
3. Describe the training process you will implement and the methods of training you will use in your new onboarding program. Don’t just list actions, remember to explain the strategic importance.
4. Describe why you think this onboarding program is important and the benefits/impact you hope this program will have on the company?
5. Be sure to include additional sources to support your proposal to your Director. This will ensure you have background and support when you present this proposal to the HR Manager and Director.
This assignment evaluates your ability to interpret and understand onboarding concepts, present it in a clear written format with supporting resources. It should be a between 1500 and 2000 words. Use Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font in black font only.
Please see the rubric for more details. When completing the assignment use full sentences and proper grammar. Follow APA guidelines for citations and paraphrasing when you refer to your eText and other research sources using [email protected] Ensure that you are aware of the academic integrity policies as outlined in your program handbook.
If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.
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