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这项作业让你有机会练习使用透视表来分析数据和做出决策。这些表格对管理人员来说特别重要,因为它们提供了容易获得的商业智能工具,就在管理人员的办公桌上。如果你需要关于数据透视表的帮助,请参阅"(知识扩展)KE4-9。什么是数据透视表,我如何使用它们 "的课本。Microsoft Office也提供数据透视表支持。
This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice the use of pivot tables for analyzing data and making decisions. These tables are particularly important for managers because they provide easily accessible business intelligence tools, right at the manager’s desk. If you need help with pivot tables, refer to “(Knowledge Extension) KE4-9: What are Pivot Tables and How Do I Use Them” in the textbook. Microsoft Office also provides Pivot Table support.
1. Download the Excel file: xlmd_travel.xls. It contains information about locations, travel agents, cruise lines, pricing, and commission paid to agents. Descriptions of the fields are as follows:
Column | Name | Description |
A | Location ID | unique number assigned to each location |
B | Travel Agent ID | unique number assigned to each travel agent |
C | Cruise line | name of cruise line |
D | Total package price | total price charged for travel |
E | Commission | commission charged |
3. Add one additional column to calculate the revenue after commission is deducted from total package price.
4. Create pivot tables to help you answer the following questions:
a. Design a table that shows total revenue generated by each destination. Which destination brings in the most revenue?
b. Design a table that shows the total revenue generated by each travel agent. Who is the best employee (travel agent)?
c. Design a table that shows which cruise line is the most valuable for the travel agency.
d. Design a table that calculates the total revenue by travel agent, location, and cruise line. Which location on which line bring in the most revenue, and which agent is involved in that business?
e. Provide a table that shows which agent earns the highest average commission for Bahama lines.
5. Create a 3- to 5-page report to management that provides answers to each of the questions in Question 3 above. The report should include, for each question, an explanation of how your analysis of the pivot table you created enabled you to answer the question, along with implications for running the business (what would the report mean? for example, how would management use each result to make decisions? what types of decisions could be made with the information?). Use tables, graphs, etc., to represent your observations and recommendations based on these analyses. Make sure your report has an introduction and a conclusion. For formatting guidelines, see Writing An Analytical Report.
For this assignment, you must submit:
- An Excel spreadsheet
- A Word document
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