英国TMGT458作业代写,project management课程类论文Essay代写

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  1. 项目管理概述:介绍项目管理的基本概念、目标和过程。
  2. 项目规划:学习如何制定项目计划、进度计划和资源计划。
  3. 项目执行:学习如何实施项目计划,包括人员管理、资源管理和风险管理。
  4. 项目监控和控制:学习如何监测项目进展,并采取必要的行动来控制风险和调整计划。
  5. 项目结束:学习如何完成项目,包括如何对项目成果进行评估、如何结束项目以及如何从项目中吸取教训。
  6. 项目管理工具和技术:学习使用项目管理软件、甘特图等工具来管理项目。
  7. 项目管理框架:了解常用的项目管理框架,如项目管理体系模型(PMBOK)、软件工程最佳实践(SEI-CMM)等。



Learning Outcomes Assessed

1.Critically review conflicting theories relevant to Project Management.

2. Evaluate the effect of stakeholder involvement on the project and wider environment.

3. Analyse data and information in order to initiate and plan a project.

4. Propose and appraise recommendations with regard to project management methodology and options.

Assessment Brief

Task 1 - Project Management Report (60% weighting)

Using the case study provided you are required to develop a project management report which covers the following:

1. A business case for the proposed project, including aims and objectives of the project and how you will measure success. Explain how the objectives support the achievement of relevant organisational goals.

2. A critical evaluation of at least two project management methodologies, followed by a fully justified recommendation of which methodology should be followed to deliver the specified project.

3. A stakeholder analysis – covering their needs/expectations and interest in and influence over the project

4.  A detailed plan for the project (a Gantt chart is recommended) based on the data provided in the case study Word limit 2400 words. In addition to the text your submission may include charts and tables. You should include appropriate conclusions and recommendations and the assignment should be supported with theories and models relevant to project management.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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