澳洲PSYC3102 Assignment代写,澳大利亚心理学论文代写

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来自澳洲代写的顾客授权发布的psychology history science and application,PSYC3102作业要求片段,我们不会发布PSYC3102的answer在网站,我们曾经写过PSYC3102及相关的psychology history science and application写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为AU的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。


  1. 古代哲学家对人类心理的看法。
  2. 心理学的发展史,包括各个时期的关键人物和他们的贡献。
  3. 心理学的分支,包括实验心理学、社会心理学、发展心理学等。
  4. 心理学理论的发展史,包括传统理论和新兴理论。


  1. 心理咨询:如何使用心理学知识为个人提供帮助。
  2. 心理治疗:如何使用心理学知识帮助人们改善心理健康。
  3. 心理测量:如何使用心理学测量工具来研究人类行为。
  4. 应用心理学:如何使用心理学知识来解决实际问题,如工作场所的人际关系、教育问题等。


在这里你应该讨论什么是 IPA 以及为什么它适合回答提出的研究问题:这种方法的范式、本体论和认识论假设,以及与你选择的访谈记录相关的具体分析步骤。 这部分应该在 150-250 字左右。
包括一个简短的反身性陈述,其中包括功能性和个人反身性。 这一段秀...



Depression and Recovery in Australia

Analytic Strategy

Here you should discuss what IPA is and why it is appropriate for answering the posed research question: the paradigm, ontology, and epistemological assumptions of this method, specific analytic steps as they related to your selected interview transcript. This section should be about 150-250 words.

Reflexive Statement

Include a brief reflexive statement that includes both functional and personal reflexivity. This section should be approximately 100-200 words and can be moved to an appendix so that it does not contribute to the word count if you choose.


This section should be organised in manner that is consistent with the writing of a results section of a qualitative research report in psychology. You do not have to include your empathic summary here. You should provide an overview of themes (including APA formatted table or figure as appropriate) that reflects a quality of analysis with the use of quotations for support. Quotations are not included in the word count. Given the word count, you can choose to focus your analysis on just one theme. However, you should justify this choice in your results section. Overall, your analysis should be performed in a manner that is consistent with an IPA. This section should be about 500-600 words.


Make sure that you actually answer your research question. You do this overtly after you have interpretated of the major findings of your analysis in line with existing literature/theory. You should conclude this section by pointing your reading to future directions research should go in to further develop our understanding of depression and recovery in Australia. This section should be around 400-500 words.


Reflect the key points of your submission. Do not add in anything new here. Good idea to reiterate your answer to your research question. This paragraph should not be more than 150 words. No citations are required in this section.

Reflexivity Statement

In no more than two paragraphs and no more than 300 words total, unpack your personal and functional reflexivity, paying particular attention to cultural safety, to showcase your understanding of how this contributed to the strengths and limitations of your findings.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


为什么选择代写人 代写

作为现存十年的代写服务机构,我们没有任何学术丑闻,我们保护顾客隐私、多元化辅导、写作、越来越多的小伙伴选择代写人为他们解决棘手的各类作业难题,保障GPA,为留学梦助力! 我们的客服团队及写手老师总是能第一时间响应顾客的各类作业需求,有些人即使有重要的事甚至带伤上场协助考试。Final季,忙的时候一天十几场考试还在继续坚持着,我知道,他们明明可以不用这么辛苦的…但是他们为了坚守承诺,为了另一端屏幕外的那一份期望,他们没有选择退缩、时刻为同学们提供最好的!这么有温度的代写还不添加备用一下?WX/QQ: 5757940









