澳洲ICT40118 IT Assignment代写,Information Technology课程代写

往期写作 713 2年前

来自澳洲代写的顾客授权发布的Information Technology,ICT40118作业要求片段,我们不会发布ICT40118的answer在网站,我们曾经写过ICT40118及相关的Information Technology写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为AU的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

这是一项书面和实践任务,包括实践和书面任务以及你需要制作的具体材料。  要评估的任务是: - TCP/IP配置 - 获取部署软件 - 部署计划 - 安装和配置系统中心配置管理器 - 创建SOE包 - 部署SOE包 - 和...



This is a written and practical assignment with a combination of tasks both practical and written and specific materials you need to produce.  The tasks to be assessed are:
•    TCP/IP Configuration
•    Obtain deployment software
•    Deployment Plan
•    Install and configure System Center Configuration Manager
•    Create SOE Packages
•    Deploy the SOE Packages
•    Test desktop performance
•    Evaluation and Feedback

Time allowed    The time allowed for this assessment will vary based on whether you are registered in this subject in a term or a semester.
•    IT Works_Policy_Procedure_Manual
Results/Re-assessment    Students will be advised of assessment outcome after the completed assignment is submitted to the 4SCCM Learn site.
Students will be provided feedback in regards to the assessment and the outcome via email notification from Learn Students have 2 attempts at this assessment with a re-assessment date to be set by the assessing lecturer.  All assessments including re-assessments must be received and assessed within the subject duration period.
Submission Instructions .

•  You are required to build multiple server virtual machines (VM) and configure it for Erfys Confectioneries satisfying the specifications presented in the following pages.
•  Also, you must configure client VMs as a member of your domain to test your configuration.
•  Ultimately, your task is to set up all VMs (servers and clients) according to the specifications below and test/prove that everything works.
• You will need to use screen captures to prove you have completed the task.
• Your screen captures should show only what is necessary to prove that the configuration has been done and that it works.
• With these screen captures, include a short description of what you are trying to show or prove.
• A pass will be granted upon the successful completion of 100% of the sections.

TCP/IP Configuration
1.    VMs for the Adelaide Site will be configured to use VMNET8 ‘NAT
2.    Define your subnet address and IP addressing for each site.  Complete the following table to help you do this:

Obtain deployment software
You will be using the MS System Center Configuration Manager for your deployment software.  The software in your plan has been approved by the ICT Manager for use at Erfy’s Confectionary.
1.    Research MS SCCM and give a brief overview of the following:
•    Production Specifications
•    Support Arrangements
•    Licensing
•    Email this to your lecturer prior to contacting the vendor.

2.    Contact the Vendor (your lecturer will role-play this, you will need to supply your lecturer with the website you obtained the above information beforehand) via Skype for business.  During this call you will need to enquire about the following:
•    Production Specifications
•    Availability
•    Support Arrangements
•    Licensing
3.    Obtain the software you require according to the IT Works Policy and procedures Insert the relevant policies here:

Deployment Plan
Read the assignment and identify the general tasks (major sections) that will need to be completed.
•    Order and prioritise these tasks in the order you think they should be done based on the requirements and dependencies.
•    Estimate how much time (in hours) should be allocated to each identified task.
•    If works must be started by week 3 of this term allocated dates and times you need access to the site to complete these tasks.
•    Estimate the downtime of any services during the completion of the tasks and what contingency plan you can provide during this service outage.Estimated Time for completion (hrs)    Dates & Time to access to site    Service & it’s Down time (hr)    Contingencies

Network Benchmarking
•    Erfy’s Confectionaries have the following performance business requirement:
o    The effect of the solution must not result in more than 70% uitlisation of network\ systems resources.
•    Research what tools could be used for benchmarking the performance of the server and client on the network.
•    What is your recommended tool?

Before the installation of the SCCM suite of utilities perform the benchmarking task:
•    Using the performance benchmarking tool you have chosen above, measure the network performance for 15 minutes.
•    Answer the following:
o    What is the counter(s) that you are measuring?
o    What will this\these counter(s) tell you?
o    Record your pre-installation results:

•    During the deployment of the OS and application packages re-run this benchmarking activity
o    Record your post-installation results

•    Based on your assessment above is your solution capable of meeting the performance business requirement listed above?  Please explain?Create your System Center Configuration Manager virtual machine using the Microsoft best practices and comply with the following business guidelines:
•    The operating system for any new servers must be a minimum of MS Server 2016.
•    The volume containing organizational data must be redundant.
•    Services for this solution must be consolidated to minimize hardware requirements.
Configure all requirements for the following:
•    Patch SCCM to the latest
•    Deploy SCCM client on to all systems
•    Deploy the Windows 10 OS
•    Deploy software applications
•    Apply and control updates and patches

Create SOE Packages
•    Using SCCM Create an OS package for Windows 10.
•    Using SCCM Create an application package for Windows 10.  Choose a piece of software from the SOE to demonstrate this.
•    Configure SCCM so that updates are downloaded and then deployed to the Windows 10 computers only.

Deploy the SOE Packages
•    Deploy the OS package to a new VM
•    Ensure the following:
o    VM joins the domain.
o    IP is configured by DHCP
o    Application packages are installed
o    Updates and patches relevant to the OS and application are applied
o    Test functionality of OS and application software in compliance with client needs.

Endpoint Protection
•    Implement Endpoint protection
o    Create an anti-malware policy with the following:
    Real-time protection
    Scan day: Tuesday
    Scan time: 9.30 pm
o    Create a Firewall policy for all computers with the following:
    Enable the Firewall for the Domain firewall profile
    Notify user when the firewall blocks a new program
o    Configure email notifications
•    Display the endpoint protection report

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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