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来自澳洲代写的顾客授权发布的Develop and Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships and Relationships,BSBLDR812作业要求片段,我们不会发布BSBLDR812的answer在网站,我们曾经写过BSBLDR812及相关的Develop and Cultivate Collaborative Partnerships and Relationships写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为AU的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

确定新的伙伴关系,并根据任务目标评估任何现有的伙伴关系,根据战略目标选择合作伙伴 1.3 与合作伙伴合作建立沟通战略 1.4 建立关键指标和反馈流程,以评估业务伙伴关系的健康状况 1.5 确定并实施员工和利益相关者承诺和贡献的战略2.1 确定合作伙伴的法律框架和流程 ...



1.1 Identify new partnerships and assess any existing partnerships according to task objectives
1.2 Select partners according to strategic objectives
1.3 Establish communication strategy in collaboration with partners
1.4 Establish key indicators and feedback processes for evaluating the health of the business partnerships
1.5 Identify and implement strategies for staff and stakeholder commitment and contribution
2.1 Identify legal framework and processes for partnership activity in collaboration with partners
2.2 Plan and allocate resource requirements to accomplish activity with partners
2.3 Establish processes to resolve conflict in a fair, equitable and collaborative manner between partners
2.4 Implement reporting systems for reporting results against planned partnership activity outcomes
The assessment tasks for the unit assume that you will work in the Business Services industry. Case studies/ exercises used in this assessment reflect a workplace scenario.
The student must have access to a Computer, Printer for doing the assessment for this unit. Attempt all the questions. If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. If the assessment is not satisfactory, the trainer will allow one more attempt to the assessment item.
The responses to assessment questions should be in your own words and examples from workplace should be used wherever possible.
This report will demonstrate that you have the leadership skills in creating a culture of collaboration and trust.  This project is based on performance evidence which means you must demonstrate that you have the ability to lead the establishment of a partnership program.
Select an organisation of your choice. You must be familiar enough with the organisation to understand the nature of their business; to the extent you can identify relevant stakeholders, opportunities for collaboration and potential partnership alliances.  You may decide to choose an organisation that you have previously worked in.
You are required to undertake the following activities to complete this task:
1.Introduction of the organization, goals, mission, and vision
2.Develop a partnership plan that:
a)Contains the relevant organization policies and procedures, including those related to partnerships.
b)Identify and incorporate the relevant legal requirements into the plan.
c)Identify the type of private/public partnership the organization would like to engage in.
d)Allocates the resource requirements to accomplish the partnership plan.
e)Describe the systems for reporting the results of the partnership program against the planned partnership outcomes.
3.A detailed partnership agreement that outlines all the relevant issues that you need to consider in this joint venture including answering the following questions:
a)Establish outcomes that can be achieved from the partnership
b)Explain how you will conduct ongoing consultation with your partner company.
Explaining mission and vision statement
Integrity and optimum utilization of resources available
Long term Perspective
Communicating regarding believing in healthy competition and compliance:
Maintaining Respect, trust, and honor
c)Describe the communication solutions you will adopt to engage with your partner company.
4.Outline how you will lead the establishment of positive collaborative relationships within the company including the following points:
a)Processes that contribute to a positive culture
b)Processes which you will put in place to resolve conflict
c)Plan to organize and allocate work activities
d)Method to encourage staff to undertake personal competence
e)Approaches to empowering staff to develop their way of working
f)Indicator and feedback process for work environment

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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