新西兰代写HRER201 Assignment代写,managing people and work相关课程代做

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The purpose of this assessment is to give you the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in this course to your own organisational life. Specifically
1. You will analyse a specific incident that you could have handled more effectively,
2. Explain the organisational context within which the incident happened, and
3. Logically derive from your analysis specific actions you will take to improve your management practice next time you encounter a similar event.
Please refer to Unit 3 notes- PESTEL environment.
Conduct an analysis of the organisational context. Drawing on relevant data, describe the external and internal environment of the organisation.
This may include an analysis of the changes in the PESTEL characteristics that have an impact on the way the organisation and employees within are behaving, a careful articulation and analysis of the strategy, structure, culture, and various policies and systems of the organisation. What has been going around you that are factors/ contributors to either incident or explanation on why things are happening as they did.
Grades will not be given for using lots of different ideas/concepts, but rather, for presenting a tight and well-argued analysis of the organisational context.
As such, you should draw on relevant data in order to justify your diagnosis. This data could be from public records, any company documents you have access to, observations of the organisation, and/or interviews with managers.
Analysis: (Suggested length: Approximately 2 pages) – Main Part
I have chosen
Management is influencing – Unit 6 (Notes provided)
Management is Decision Making (Unit 2 notes provided)
If required - Management is sense-making  /(Unit 3) – This notes can also be used for PESTAL (Organizational context)
Explicitly draw upon relevant course concepts to illuminate why you (or another) did not think
and act as effectively as you might have. Do not provide defnitions for concepts. Instead, demonstrate
your understanding of relevant concepts by the way you apply them to analyse how the event was
Logically derive from your analysis some specifc, conceptually driven actions that you, personally, will take to manage similar situations more effectively. Here your plans for actions should refer back to the specifc incident and other incidents like that one rather than a general development plan that you could have written with or without the specifc incident having happened. State how you would evaluate your effectiveness at applying the steps or initiatives you identify. Describe any obstacles that are likely to occur (e.g. emotions, lack of time, insuffcient resources, unsupportive colleagues) and how you will address them.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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