加拿大MKTG229作业代写 数字市场营销课程类的课程代做exam代考

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来自加拿大代写的顾客授权发布的Digital Marketing,MKTG229作业要求片段,我们不会发布MKTG229的answer在网站,我们曾经写过MKTG229及相关的Digital Marketing写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为CA的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

这些项目的目的是通过分析你的竞争对手和规划你的网站设计、审计和内链,来创造业务和建立用户名单。你将根据以下内容创建并提交一份完整的SEO战略。关键字研究和关键字对立,以利于KOB分析 你的信息架构和分类法的文件 涵盖SEO的12个重要领域的网站审计文件 链接战略文件,完整的链接请求...



The objective of these projects is to generate business and build a subscriber list by analyzing your competitor and planning your website design, auditing, and inbound links. You will be creating and submitting a complete SEO strategy based on the following: Keyword research and keyword opposition to benefit KOB analysis Documentation of your information architecture and taxonomy Site audit document covering 12 important areas of SEO Link strategy document complete with link requests Marketing plan to gain attention and links Project Overview: Now let’s start understanding the project that you need to work on. The project has been divided into five parts based on the concepts learned in the Advanced Search Engine Optimization course. Project 1 – Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research Project 2 – Information Architecture Planning Project 3 – Website Audit Documentation

Project 4 – Inbound Links Project 5 – Marketing Plan The overall/collective objective of these projects will be to generate business and build a subscriber list. All these activities will converge toward this end goal. Breaking the end goal to phase-wise goals, the first objective/goal of this activity will be: Engagement in the process to tie search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to your business objectives Understanding of competitive landscape The inclusion of search and keyword research in your marketing initiatives In order to complete the above five projects, you need to have a website. Let’s understand the approach for the same. Kickstart to SEO Projects: Your business needs to be promoted and branded for which you require a website to be created with content and link it with the search engine. You need to target your audience using keywords and campaigns and achieve your goals. The project involves creating a website or using an existing website to work on the concepts of digital marketing. The following gives a kickstart to the project: Define your venture.

(Explain your business that you own or work for) Who is your target audience? (Let us know whom you would be targeting and why) How can digital marketing help your venture? (How do you think digital marketing would help you in branding or promoting your business?) What are the keywords that you need to focus on? (List the keywords that you would use for SEO (free) and PPC (paid) targeting) In order to start the project on SEO, you are requested to have a website/blog post which implements the concepts of PPC. You are an entrepreneur who has started a children’s toy retail website. You need to be able to invest your time and money wisely and make the most of the opportunities.

Creating a website/blog, populating content, lead capture, and ownership: Create a website/blog on yourself or hire a website designer for your business. If you do not own a business, use your friend's website, if any. You can also create one based on your interest which can be a website or a blog. If none of the above, work on the project based on concepts by sharing your thoughts/ideas. You need to populate the content based on products and services or blogs provided to the users and set lead capture using the Contact Us page. Register your website on Webmaster tools and verify ownership so that the search engine authorizes your website. Ensure Sitemap.xml is integrated and submit to Webmaster so that the search engine crawlers can crawl your website. SEO and keyword research: Ensuring on-page and off-page optimization of the content Defining SEO tags such as Title, Meta Description, H1 Tag, Image Alt Tags, etc. Conducting keyword research and analyzing the business site Performing competitor analysis to finalize target keywords Suggested Tools but Not Mandatory.

Ideally, it would take a maximum of two weeks to design and register the website. Now that you are ready with your website/blog, let’s proceed toward working on SEO projects. Keyword Research Project Duration: Ideally, it would take a maximum of one week to work on research keywords and group them into logical categories. Learning from the Project: You will learn how to research on keywords, identify the competitive and negative keywords, and group the related keywords based on categories. Project Overview: Create a list of keywords and categorize them logically which would help you in completing the rest of the task for your website. Project Task: Using the Keyword Planner, do initial research on keywords that encompass your target services. Start by developing an initial list of at least 100 keywords (not mandatory), and then make your decisions about how to group your keywords into logical categories.

You should document your strategy and process for doing the research and show all the factors that contribute to your decisions. Explain your thinking as fully as possible. Using your understanding of keyword research and Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI), develop a spreadsheet list of 15 to 20 keywords around which you expect to build the information architecture for your company’s website. Use five to seven primary keywords for the major categories that you will use to group your products. NOTE: You will apply your keywords to all other parts of this project.

Suggested Tools but Not Mandatory: Keyword Analysis Tools Free - Google Keyword Planner, Google Correlate, WordStream Free Keyword Tool Partially Paid - Keyword In, KWFinder, SEO Chat Suggestion Keyword Finder Paid – Soovle, Wordtracker Scout, Keyword Tool Competitor Analysis Tool (Paid) – Spyfu, SEMRush, QuickSprout, KeywordCompetitor Reporting and Analysis: Your report would include the following: The list of keywords that you developed for your website List of categories and their keywords The strategy and process for researching Primary key from each category Submission Process: Capture the screenshot in a word document/make an excel sheet as per reporting and add your analysis comments. Attach the file under the Assessment tab, project 1 for evaluation.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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