加拿大FINA307 Assignment代写,risk management and insurance课程代写

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来自加拿大代写的顾客授权发布的risk management and insurance,FINA307作业要求片段,我们不会发布FINA307的answer在网站,我们曾经写过FINA307及相关的risk management and insurance写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为CA的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

团队作业,该作业是一个小组作业。如果你想创建你的团队,你需要在eCentennial中添加你的名字到小组中。在9月19日之前做这件事。如果你不属于一个小组,系统会在9月20日把你随机分配到一个小组。我将在10月31日前接受你的作业草稿。我强烈建议你提交草稿,因为历史表明,那些谁做的,得分高得多的任务。标题。六个步骤的规划过程 相关的...



Team assignment

The assignment is a Group Assignment. If you want to create your team, you need to add your names to the group in eCentennial. Do this before September 19. The system will assign you to a random group on September 20 if you do not belong to a group.

I will accept draft of your assignment by October 31. I strongly recommend that you submit a draft as history has shown those who do, score much higher marks on the assignment.

Title: The Six Step Planning Process Related to Risk Management

Pick a young married couple of your choice (let’s call them John 40, and Ann 38) with one small child aged 5 and go through the six-step planning process with them as it relates to risk management.

I have provided the family’s income and expenses plus their assets and liabilities. Use the tables attached to tell me their story.

Make John the breadwinner and Ann stay at home mom who will take care of the kid.

What are their needs for Risk Management (insurance)? Because John is the only person working outside the home, what will happen to the family if John dies today? How much insurance they need? Expect that the child need taking care of until they finish university at age 22. You need to do an insurance Needs Analysis and come up with exact dollar amounts as to how much insurance they need. To come up with a dollar amount, you also need to do an Education Needs Analysis for the child’s post secondary education.

Steps to take

  • Use the attached Income Statement, Annual Expenses and Assets and Liabilities for your calculations.
  • Come up with their annual expenses today. (Already Provided)
  • How much excess/shortfall of income they have now?
  • Come up with their assets. (Already Provided)
  • If John dies today, they need money for the next how many years? (Assume money is needed only until both kids finish University (n Years) at which point Ann remarries)
  • You need to calculate their annual needs (expenses) adjusted for inflation. Use the 5 function to calculate their needs for the next n years.
  • Assume Inflation of 3% and Rate of Return of 5% and education inflation of 9% when needed.
  • Add up all their financial needs {pay off mortgage (One time payment), pay for school (10-15 years from now, paid during 4 years), pay for their annual expenses for the next n years and whatever else you think they need}.
  • Buy enough insurance that pays them for these calculated amounts less the assets that they have now (Which assets are available for this purpose? Which ones they can sell now or do not need?).

In each step you must have at least one important OBJECTIVE and clarify how you achieved it. You are trying to answer ONE QUESTION in each step and each question starts with a “How”. For example: How do you establish client-planner engagement with Ann and John?

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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作为现存十年的代写服务机构,我们没有任何学术丑闻,我们保护顾客隐私、多元化辅导、写作、越来越多的小伙伴选择代写人为他们解决棘手的各类作业难题,保障GPA,为留学梦助力! 我们的客服团队及写手老师总是能第一时间响应顾客的各类作业需求,有些人即使有重要的事甚至带伤上场协助考试。Final季,忙的时候一天十几场考试还在继续坚持着,我知道,他们明明可以不用这么辛苦的…但是他们为了坚守承诺,为了另一端屏幕外的那一份期望,他们没有选择退缩、时刻为同学们提供最好的!这么有温度的代写还不添加备用一下?WX/QQ: 5757940









