加拿大Engl1100作业代写,Comparative Research Essay代写

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来自加拿大代写的顾客授权发布的Comparative Research Essay,Engl1100作业要求片段,我们不会发布Engl1100的answer在网站,我们曾经写过Engl1100及相关的Comparative Research Essay写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为CA的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。

在一篇1200-1300字的比较研究论文中,分析涉及你认可的公众人物的2021年冲突的 "反面"。换句话说,将你的人物在各自危机中对自己的表述与该人物的主要批评者或对手如何表述你的人物进行比较和对比。这一次,你还必须包括至少1个由你的人物的主要批评者或反对者撰写的主要资料(或以其言论为特色)。查看所有研究报告...



In a 1200-1300-word Comparative Research Essay, analyze the “flip side” of the 2021 conflict involving your approved public figure. In other words, compare and contrast your figure’s representation of themselves in their respective crisis with how the figure’s key critic or opponent represents your figure. This time, you must also include at least 1 primary source authored by (or featuring the words of) your figure’s key critic or opponent. See all research requirements below. Keep in mind that the “flip side” may manipulate or misrepresent your figure for their own purposes or agendas.

Key Features

Comparative: Comparisons are more effective when you determine the “common ground” or shared qualities between the two sides.

Argumentative: As in all essays, this effort requires that you have a strong thesis: an original claim about the topic that goes beyond a simple observation. You must determine an original and significant argument that arises from your comparison.

Research: Ensure that you include all requested sources.

Brainstorming Prompts (You don’t need to respond to them all) Are crises objectively represented to the public in film, print, television, news, or literature? Can the true stakes of a crisis be amplified or concealed through language? How do public figures (on all sides of a conflict) use or manipulate the media to serve specific purposes or agendas? How do they use the media to serve their own interests? How do critics or opponents use media against your figure?

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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